Volunteer Abroad | Atova
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Embrace the Service of Others with ATOVA International

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Two boys hiding under banana leaf

Our Vision

A future where a harmonious coexistance between humanity and the natural world exists. Where future generations are not only environmentally conscious but actively engaged in preserving and enhancing the health of our planet. Through education, advocacy, and collective responsibility. A world where the beauty of nature thrives alongside sustainable and mindful human activities.

Our Mission

Empowering individuals to realize their boundless potential for positive change through transformative experiences that transcend comfort zones, fostering international development and environmental stewardship. Shaping compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

Tropical Beach

Programs in Indonesia.

Embark on a transformative journey to the captivating tropical island of Sumatra in Indonesia, renowned for its remarkable natural beauty and serving as the home of one of the world's last remaining pristine rainforests, the Leuser Ecosystem. As part of this immersive experience, you will collaborate closely with our dedicated local ground team to implement sustainable development and education initiatives within rural communities across the scenic region of North Sumatra.

Our Programs

A value Driven Organisation that you can really trust

At ATOVA, we embrace a set of core values that serve as guiding principles in both out professional endeavors and personal lives. These values are instilled in all our volunteers and staff, ensuring a shared understanding and commitment to our mission. By immersing yourself in our organisation, you will have the opportunity to learn and embody these core values, which form the foundation of our work and define our collective culture. 




Respect for Others


Selfless Committment


Women in Sarong

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Welcome to the Atova family!

Our Amazing Partners:

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University of North Sumatra
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